Lodge House
Friday, 15 November 2024

This week has been Anti-Bullying Week, and the girls showed their support of this, along with the foundation, by wearing a mixture of random and odd socks! This was a fun way to spread an important message about celebrating people's differences and unique traits, remembering that we are all individuals and that we all have the right and ability to shine and be accepted. As a house that is focussed around kindness, it was even more important for us to spread this message and myself and Mrs Fordyce most certainly got on board with our wild and wonderful socks that day. As one of the school monitors said in their Chapel interview on Monday; the advice they would give their younger selves would be 'to just be you and to be at peace that you will find your place and you people.' I hope that all the girls in Lodge, and the wider school community, feel that they can be themselves and are welcomed and accepted. Well done to everyone that got involved – have a look at the pictures to see how colourful we all were!

On Wednesday our very own Mrs Fordyce spoke in Chapel about all things paranormal and spooky! Although I did not permit her to speak about the Lodge House Ghost, she made certain to mention Mr Fordyce's encounter with next door in Caffinites. Mrs Fordyce not only spoke about her interest and thrill of ghosts and other beliefs, but she made a brilliant link to family, belief and how faith can shape and help us.

"…So, what does any of this have to do with you? Why am I telling you about my crazy beliefs? The answer is faith. In life we have to take some things on faith. We believe that Father Christmas will bring us presents, that the cord will hold when you do a bungee jump, that the world will keep turning, that you are actually awake now and not trapped in the matrix. Or, in my case, that ghosts are real.

Faith is not religion. Faith is a belief in something without empirical proof. It is the belief in things hoped for. The dictionary describes faith as complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

While religion is the prime example of having faith there are many times when you take things for granted, as I have mentioned, and those can be classed as having faith. As we get older our faith in things changes and adapts as we learn and experience life. A life without faith, in whatever form that takes for you, would be unfulfilled, boring, and lonely. After all, it takes a leap of faith to strike up a conversation and begin a friendship. Even when your crush says "no" or a friendship drifts apart most people try again, they keep the faith….Faith changes how we see things and it keeps us moving forward during the tough times. It is taking it one minute, one hour, one day at a time and believing that even though you can't see the finish line you will make it there…"

Thursday brought us the official opening of Lodge House which saw over 60 guest bustling into the building, exploring the common spaces and touring round the house. The evening was a lovely celebration of what the school have created and the environment we are building for the girls, as well as what the opening of the house means for the Foundation as a whole. Katie Fraser (nee Geiser) OD who was the first female Head of School, was our guest of honour. This was a lovely opportunity for the girls to meet an important figure in the school's history and hear about how the school has changed and developed from her time here. With the naming of the House being after the first female member of teaching staff (Millie Lodge) and Katie coming to open the house, there is a consistent and appropriate feeling of empowerment and pride that I hope continues to be present as the house builds and blossoms. George Gardner, our librarian and archivist, has been busy looking back into the history of girls at the school and brought some pictures to the event so we can reflect, appreciate and learn from the history of girls and women at Durham School. Listening to conversations the girls were having with guests, it was heartwarming to hear how proud they are of the space, community and ethos the house is instilling. I thank all parents, pupils, staff, governors and guests who attended the evening.

Amongst all these events, the girls have been working tirelessly on House Music. Rehearsals have taken a step up and the girls are using every moment to get prepared for Monday. I have the ribbon ready, we have our smiles practiced and I'm very much looking forward to seeing the girls stand up as a unit to one, show who Lodge House is and two, show then that it does not matter if you lack numbers; with grit, determination and dedication, you can achieve your best.

Lady of Lodge

This week's Lady of Lodge goes to Charlotte J (Yr 9) who over half term went to Ponds Forge in Sheffield, competing in the North East Regional age group swim championships. Charlotte is a talented swimmer who trains relentlessly for the sport – well done Charlotte!

Upcoming dates for your diary

This half term is an extremely busy one – please do keep an eye on the Friday Flyer and the calendar.

  • Monday 18th November: House Music in the Cathedral at 7pm – please let me know if you are collecting your daughter from Cathedral.
  • Wednesday 20th November: House Cinema trip to see Paddington 3, 5-8pm.
  • Monday 27th November: Year 8 and 9 Social (Christmas crafts) This date has changed! £3 for each pupil, please.
  • Tuesday 26th November: Year 10 Parents Evening
  • Friday 6th December: Parents Drinks Reception (Mulled Wine and Mince Pies!)
  • Wednesday 11th December: Junior House Suppers (details TBC)
  • Thursday 12th December: Senior House Suppers (details TBC)
  • Friday 13th December: Carol and end of term service in the Cathedral   

Other things to note:   

  • Please can we ask that parents do not drive round the back of Caffinites when dropping off/picking up their daughter(s) - this causes massive amounts of congestion. Thank you.   
  • Please could we ask if anyone has any spare Christmas decorations to kindly donate to the house – we are very much looking forward to getting the house set up for festivities but are starting with an empty box!

    Thank you.