The Headmistress of Chorister School
Friday, 6 September 2024

A very warm welcome back to everyone and particularly to all of our new families joining Chorister School. It has been a super week and it has been wonderful to see and hear both sites alive with energy, smiles and enthusiasm. All have started the new school year with a real sense of purpose and have adapted to new classrooms and routines with confidence and ease.

This morning, the Prep children participated in the national 'Picture News' assembly which brought together schools from across the country. 'Celebrating our Differences and Overcoming Adversity' was the theme of the assembly and we considered our communities, how we are all similar and how we are all different. The theme of community support and belonging was a key message and one that transfers into our new school year message as we remind each other that belonging to Chorister School means we have a special community to support, strengthen and build together.

The first of our Academic Evenings is next week with the Year 3-6 one being held on Monday at 4.30pm. This is a good opportunity for our new parents to hear a little more about how our curriculum is planned, delivered and assessed. Further evenings for EYFS and KS1 will take place the following week.