From the Principal
Friday, 6 September 2024
It is with mixed emotions that I write my first Friday Flyer entry of the year. I am delighted that we are back at school and the new academic year seems to have begun very smoothly; in particular, it was great to see how well the girls had settled into Lodge house on Tuesday and it already feels like home to those pupils. However, as you will no doubt have seen, this is to be my penultimate term at Durham Cathedral Schools Foundation before I move to take yup the post of Principal at Durham School Dubai next April. This has not been an easy decision to make but after what will be almost eleven years here in Durham, I felt the time was right for a new challenge. This opportunity for me is the best of both worlds – a new professional development in a young and flourishing school and also a move which allows me to remain part of the Durham School family. Indeed, I will continue to remain a parent at DCSF too. It has been a busy ten years with many highlights – and challenges – along the way but, I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here as Head and then Principal. It has been a real privilege. However, I have not left yet and my enthusiasm for the school and its community will remain undimmed over the next seven months. Finally, on a more mundane note, can I remind parents that we operate an informal one way system along Grove Street (outside Pimlico and Macleod houses) which helps to avoid congestion. If you want to drive along that street, then please do so coming from Quarryheads Lane towards the Cathedral and then turn left down South St or right along Pimlico itself. That will help to reduce head-on blockages. |