Poole House
Friday, 6 September 2024

A huge welcome to everybody new and old in our Poole House Community. We look forward to another great year with the Poole House Boys and the families who support us. It has been great to meet many of you already and I look forward to getting to know even more of you over the course of the term!

This week has flown by, and we have really enjoyed getting to know our new Pooleites. Our numbers have remained constant with 97 boys in the house with 25 boarding and 72 day boys. As parents you should be receiving an email from your son's tutor introducing themselves. I would like to encourage all of you to work closely with this tutor as they will be seeing the boys on a regular basis throughout the week.

If you have a concern about your son's academic progress your first port of call is the tutor followed by the Head of Year. The following email addresses may be useful:

Year 7 & 8 Head of Year Mr M. Burke m.burke@dcsf.org.uk

Year 9 Head of Year Mrs E.Melville e.melville@dcsf.org.uk

Year 10 & 11 Head of Year Dr C. Scott-Warburton c.warburton@dcsf.org.uk

Year 12 & 13 Head of Year Mr C. Hope c.hope@dcsf.org.uk

This week has been extremely busy and a case of information overload for many, I include myself in that too. It has been pleasing to see so many new faces and familiar ones as well. The atmosphere in the house has been incredible, with all the boys happy to be back amongst their friends. I must congratulate all our new starters both day pupils and boarders for making a positive start to their life as a Pooleite and it has been a pleasure to be with them all. The boys have been given a long list of activities that are on offer this term, and I have asked the boys to sign up for at least two. This is done through the SOCS app using your sons log-in details.

Njegos O, has made an excellent start as Head of house and is already putting his stamp on how things are going to be under his leadership. We are very fortunate to have such a strong cohort in Year 13 and all the boys will be House monitors, organising many activities throughout the year. The leadership roles are as follows:

Head of House Njegos O
Deputy Head of House Matthew H
School Monitors George L, Narek A
Head of Boarding Ryan M.

Chorister success

Well done to Christopher N for being made Deputy Head Chorister for the year. This is a brilliant achievement and an acknowledgment to all his hard work in the Choir over the years. Well done, Christopher.

Future Dates 

Wed 11th Sept Welcome evening for year 12 Parents 6.00pm-7.00pm 

Fri 13th Sept DCSF Cricket dinner (Big School) 6.30-10.30pm 

Sports Focus 

Due to the terrible weather in the closing weeks of the summer term the under 14s were unable to complete their cup fixtures. On Wednesday morning the under 14 side played the quarter final against Whitburn and were comfortable winners. They then went on to play the semifinal in the afternoon against Durham Johnson and yet again won comfortably. The boys will play in the final against High Tunstall on Monday at Hetton Lions cricket ground. Well done to all the boys involved but it is especially pleasing to see so many Pooleites playing. 

Pooleites involved: Oliver J, Declan B, Henry W, Bobby C, Charles M, Connor B, Isaac A, Payam C 

Good luck to all the boys involved in this weekend's rugby fixtures against Yarm. Academic Achievements Congratulations to the following Pooleites for achieving the 

Lauds this week: 

Year 8 Alexander B, Luke C, Danny D x2, Theo R, Fred S, Justin T Year 9 Zac M, Jorge A Year 11 William W And finally, our 

Pooleite of the Week 

This week goes to: Christopher N for being made deputy head Chorister 

Have a wonderful weekend. 


Respect, Enjoy, Develop