Friends Business Club – Meeting Thursday 12th September
Friday, 6 September 2024

The Friends Business Club will hold its first meeting of 2024/5 on Thursday 12th September at 8 for 8.30 in the Orangery Cafe at Durham School. We look forward to welcoming new faces and old. It is open to all members of the School community and everyone is welcome to attend. If you have not been before, we meet each second Thursday of the termtime months, with the idea of networking business owners with others in the school. In the two years since forming we have seen many cross fertilisations and business deals being done. We normally have a social get-together, following by a quick round table outlining your business and any help you need followed by a longer talk by a member about a specific area of their business which we might all find interesting. This meeting won't have the big speech and it will be a good chance to connect/ reconnect after the holidays. We are looking forward to seeing as many as can make it. Breakfast rolls and tea/coffee will be available as normal.