The Caffinites
Friday, 28 June 2024
I wanted to take a moment to share some highlights from the Year 7 Science Fair that took place on Wednesday.

Over the last couple of weeks, our Year 7 pupils have been working hard researching and developing their projects. Their hard work and enthusiasm were clearly on display during the fair. The event was held in the Science department, which was transformed into an exhibition space filled with creative and innovative science projects.

Parents and staff attended the fair, and the atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and curiosity. The pupils were eager to explain their projects and demonstrate their findings, showcasing their understanding of various scientific principles.
Here are some standout projects and their creators:

Theo TW – Non-Newtonian Fluids: Theo's project explored the fascinating properties of non-Newtonian fluids, demonstrating how they behave under different types of stress and providing a hands-on experiment.

James W & Ajinth S – Hydraulic Cyborg Arm: James and Ajinth built a functional hydraulic cyborg arm, illustrating the principles of hydraulics and engineering.

Zackary S – Magic Paper Clip: Zackary's project investigated the science behind seemingly "magic" paper clips that could return back to its original shape.

William P – Dancing Fluids: William created a project on dancing fluids, showing fluid motion.

Matthew W & Ethan M – Growing a Gummy Bear: Matthew and Ethan's created a project using gummy bears to demonstrate how water can move through different substances.

Joshua M – Chemical Murder Mystery: Joshua created an interactive chemical murder mystery, where he had to use chemical reactions to solve a problem.

Hugo S – Solar Power: Hugo's project highlighted the potential of solar energy, showcasing a model that used solar panels to power small devices.

Akshan R - Properties of Metals: Akshan explored various properties of metals.

Christopher M – Kinetic Energy: Christopher's project demonstrated the principles of kinetic energy through a series of practical applications.

Joshua H – Conservation of Energy: Joshua H's project focused on the conservation of energy, using a model to illustrate how energy is used.

Arthur C – Water Wheel: Arthur built a working model of a water wheel, explaining the historical significance and mechanics behind this revolutionary invention.

Matthew W – Algae Growth: Matthew W investigated the factors affecting algae growth, providing insights into how different environmental conditions can influence this.
The science fair was not only an opportunity for pupils to showcase their projects but also a chance for them to engage with the scientific community within the school. It encouraged critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration among students.

Activities Week for Year 7, 8, 9, and 10
Activities week will start on Monday! Next week promises to be filled with fun, adventure, and new experiences for our pupils. Each year group has a tailored program of activities designed to challenge and inspire. Please can I remind parents that payment for the activities need to be made before Monday. Thank you if you have already done this.
Mrs Rochester has already sent out the timetables, but please find a copy here for clarification.

End of Term Arrangements

Monday, 1st - Thursday, 4th July – Activities Week
All pupils will be involved in various activities. Mrs. Rochester has already sent the arrangements. Please provide the necessary payments and permissions as soon as possible.

House BBQs: Thursday, 4th July at 18:00–22:00
House BBQs are to celebrate the achievements, hard work, and good fun everyone has had in the House during the year. Pupils will enjoy food and themed entertainments in Houses. Specific information about this event will be communicated soon. Pupils can get changed after activities on Thursday. Collection from Houses/Quad is at 21:30 for years 7-11 and 22:00 for 6th Form, please.

Friday, 5th July: Durham School Community Challenge Morning
All pupils need to roll call at 8:30 am. Each Tutor Group has been challenged to create a lifeboat and will spend the morning finalising builds and racing them across the swimming pool. In the event that lifeboats sink within 10 seconds, I have a plan B! This will be a non-uniform morning, but swimming kit will be needed, please.

School will finish at 13:00, and pupils can go home for the afternoon but return for Speech Day in the evening. There will be no lunch served for pupils on Friday. Speech Day will take place at 7:00 pm in the Marquee on the Playground. Pupils are expected to roll call at 6:30 pm in Houses in smart uniform, and parents and family are very welcome to attend.

School Transport:
There will be no school transport on Thursday or Friday as pupils will be staying until 9 pm on Thursday and will finish at 1 pm on Friday.

Leavers Service:
Keeping in line with tradition, there will also be a leavers service at the end of the day on Friday for Year 13 parents and pupils. More information about the leavers service will be sent to you in my end-of-year newsletter. This special occasion will allow us to cherish the memories and celebrate the accomplishments of this remarkable group.

Please can you ensure non-uniform clothing is sensible and suitable for the activities. Trainers are ideal but please no sports tops. Please keep an eye on the weather forecast and ensure your child has a rain jacket, sun cream, hat and sweatshirt. Phones can be taken on trips, but pupils must be responsible for these and only use these when directed by staff. If activities are school based, mobile phones must be handed in to me as usual.

Finally, academic reports for all year groups will be distributed at the end of next week. These reports will provide valuable feedback on your son’s progress throughout the term. I kindly ask that you review these reports with your child and celebrate their achievements.

Only 1 week to go!!

Have a great weekend.
Mr A. McMillan