Pimlico House
Friday, 28 June 2024

The boarders’ outdoor games and spontaneous dance-along-Karaoke of last weekend certainly gave us a flavour of what is ahead in the much-awaited last week of term. That’s to say: time spent with our friends in the sunshine, lots of fun and a little bit of dancing in the mix. We certainly hope for all of those things for next Thursday evening!

Sports day today saw many of our Pimlico girls doing their absolute best, either on the field or track, and I thank them all very much for this. Since some of our community have either departed for a return overseas or are currently still on a post-exam holiday, the House was a little smaller than it would normally be and girls undoubtedly felt the effect of this. However, and as I mentioned in my letter, the most important aspect of the day is always to see everyone rallying and pulling together as a team and there was a lot of this today. Might I also thank staff for showing the same spirit of grit as they obligingly stepped onto the running track with me for the (terrible!) staff relay. Well done, everyone!

As we edge towards next week, I realise it is sadly now time to bid farewell to Mrs. Spence who will soon begin her exciting new venture in Lodge House. Mrs. Spence and I started in our respective House-parenting roles at the same time three years ago and have sailed the high, low and level seas of Pimlico together since then. It has been a lot of fun and I, as one of many, have really valued Mrs. Spence’s sparkle and zest for life!

Resolute in her belief that all girls deserve the greatest love and care from each other and from the adults around them, Mrs. Spence has worked tirelessly and often well beyond acceptable hours to ease friendships, give advice, resolve conflict and listen to problems. She has shown enormous empathy and patience to many of our Pimlico girls and I know that those who have spent time with her have always appreciated her kindness. It is life-changing. She is absolutely moving to the right role for her and, although I am sad to let her go, have every faith that she will continue to be highly esteemed in Lodge House. It is no surprise that many of our year 7s, 8s and 10s, with whom she has had a lot of contact, will follow her there. May they also enjoy the excitement of setting up a new House. We all wish her the very best for the road ahead.

As we now also think ahead, thank you for reading the letters sent by Mrs. Rochester about activities week. Thank you also for remembering to put sun cream and water in your daughters’ bags!

Have a lovely weekend.