From the Principal
Friday, 21 June 2024

Summer seems to finally have arrived and it was a pleasure to see the 1st XI playing the MCC on the Playground yesterday. It is always good to see a decent OD representation in a visiting side and whilst the result may not have been what the school wished, the match was as ever conducted in great spririt. The girls' cricket team are currently in Edinburgh and I wish them well for the fixtures against the Auld Enemy...

The Myerscough and Chadeyron competitions were held yesterday and I enjoyed hearing the performers deliver a wide and varied range of music. My congratulations go to the winners but of course it is the taking part that counts and I am grateful to all those who took part. Public exams finally draw to an end today and, as a parent of a double whammy combination this year, my thanks and congratulations go to those of you who have cajoled, nagged and encouraged your sons and daughters through the examination season. Those I saw yesterday certainly seemed in celebratory mood and I hope that they make the most of the good weather before their return to House barbecues and the Leavers' Service.