School House
Friday, 14 June 2024

The end is nigh! Well, at least it is on the exam front with many of the boys finishing public exams this week. I must say, the way they have handled the pressure of the exam season has been superb and I hope, come results day, that the boys receive the grades they deserve. I am sure that for all of you parents and guardians, the end of the exam season is very welcome and I thank you for your support of the boys- they may not know appreciate it yet, but they certainly will in time.
Our internal exam sitters have been getting grades back this week and it has been pleasing to hear of the many successes.  For some, however, the exam results have been disappointing and I know our academic teams are putting together strategies and action plans.  As I have said to a few of our more senior boys this week, we (us and you) can give them all of the advice in the world but only they can commit to improvement.  
Last weekend, the Boat Club enjoyed a fantastic weekend down at Durham Regatta over the weekend.  There were wins for- Alex B, Simon G, Jason W, Alex PL, Luca RT, Archie S & Charlie D. Our very own Miss Heslop and Miss Dowson also won with their respective crews. Huge congratulations to everyone involved.  Special shout out to the parents (PODS) and coaches who put so much work into ensuring the event is both hugely enjoyable and hugely successful.  

Cricket this week has been plentiful and the boys have done really well (especially in tough conditions!).  To help me write the Friday Flyer I asked the boys to wait behind after roll call to give me an overview of their games.  The problem I have is that the truth can often become embellished and the boys are always keen to point out a mis-field, poor bowling spell, someone missing out on a 50 and the like; however, a huge well done to our U15s and U14S who defeated Barnard Castle.  Rowan B scored 46 (edging closer to a half century) and Matthew Burdon who scored 30.  Our County players have been in action this week with Kanishk K and Louie M playing for their respective sides.

Will P Year 10) continued his impressive season on the track wining gold in the 200m at the County Championship last weekend.  At the same event,  George B won Bronze in the shot putt with both boys now representing the county at national level- huge well done to both.

Academic awards this week go to:
Harry D, Lucas F, Evan O, Robbie S, Kayode A, Sam F, James H, Leo H, Hongyi L, Freddy R, Joseph W, Thomas X 
Congratulations to all of the boys listed above.
Jack C is once again top of the tree but Jesse E is only 3 behind.  All still to play for ahead of the final reckoning on July 4th.  
After lots of rowing socials last weekend we will be enjoying pizza and football this weekend.  The big screen will be up, and we look forward to lots of wins for all of the various countries we will be supporting! Probably best the boys also do some packing!

House Keeping
End of term arrangements should be with you and it looks like being a brilliant week for all the boys.  Should you have any questions, please contact your son’s tutor.  A reminder that our House Supper Theme this year is ‘Dress for the Beach’ so I hope the boys are scouring the charity shops for elite Hawaiian Shirts (or whatever else they have chosen to wear!).  On a completely different note, I have spoken to the boys about leaving their bags around school and leaving kit on the sports fields after games sessions.  This is where at least 80% of lost kit occurs and can be avoided by the boys simply taking more responsibility for their belongings.

I wish you all a restful and enjoyable weekend.