The Caffinites
Friday, 14 June 2024
As the pupils begin to gather the results of their exams and digest the feedback given, the boys have tried to get back to the usual routine and enjoy the elements of the school day they missed the previous week.

The official induction of the monitors took place on Monday as they began their duties in chapel. Innes, Billy and Zack, all were given their ties by the Headmaster in assembly as a reward for three brilliant interviews and their suitability for the roles. The three boys have wasted no time in helping to usher in their period as monitors in the House, making sure the day-to-day activities still run smoothly.

Both staff and pupils alike are eagerly anticipating the House Barbeques for 2024 and the wait is nearly over. There will be a combined Poole, School and Caffinites House effort on the Playground in the final week.

Arthur C in Year 7 has added another string to his bow (or workbench). He's a member of the Young Farmers, and two weekends ago competed in the county Rally with a full day of various competitions, and won three of them with other 2nds and 3rds. The winning entries went forward to the Northern Area finals this weekend and Arthur came 1st and 2nd for his metalwork (against competitors aged up to 21).

His efforts go towards the points for our county, and County Durham then won the event for the first time in 39 years (I have been informed that the Durham membership is dwarfed compared to the other counties, Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cumbria).

Have a good weekend, Mr Thompson.