Macleod House
Friday, 14 June 2024

We have enjoyed a week of normal lessons this week. The girls have been receiving some of their results from their exams and whilst there is much to celebrate, I hope the girls will reflect on how they have done and are now aware of areas to work on. The weeks before the end of term will be full or action and fun, but lessons will continue and there will be important topics covered, particularly in Year 10 and Year 12.
It was lovely to see so many girls and parents at the Girls' Sports Dinner last Friday. It was an inspiring and uplifting evening and really showcased the strength of Girls' Sport at the school and culture that has been embedded. Well done to all prize winners and those who have represented the school this year.
We enjoyed the Year 8 pizza social on Wednesday evening – thank you to the Sixth Form Prefects who helped. The girls seemed to have a lovely time getting covered in flour and having fun together! We look forward to the Year 9 Pizza Social on Thursday 27th June – the girls will need to bring in £5 by Friday 21st June.
Durham Regatta
Congratulations to the following girls who took part in Durham Regatta last weekend: Florence W, Dana S, Annabel T, Grace S, Rosie M, Olivia T, Emily P, Caitlyn T, Niamh K, Ellie H and Maddy H. Mr Hall reported that all girls rowed exceptionally well and he was proud of all of the performances. Particular mentions to Emily P who won the W4+ and W8+ races and the J13 girls (Florence W, Dana S, Annabel T, Charlotte J) who one in the WJ13 coxed quad
A reminder about the remaining events for this term:
Wednesday 19th June – Year 12 Parents Evening
Tuesday 25th June – Year 7 Parents Evening
Thursday 27th June – Year 9 Pizza Social
Friday 28th June – Sports Day
Monday 1st – Wednesday 3rd July – Activities Week (a plan for each year group has been sent out or will be very shortly by Mrs Rochester)
Thursday 4th July – Flamingo Land Trip and House BBQ (evening collection times to be confirmed in due course)
Friday 5th July – Tutor Group Community Challenge (morning), Speech Day and Prize Giving (evening), End of Term (full details and timings will be sent out in due course)