Macleod House
Friday, 7 June 2024

The girls have been working ever so hard this week and I am sure they are pleased that the exams are now over. Normal service will resume next week (Week B on the timetable) and there is certainly no let up in pace for the rest of term. There are many exciting things to look forward to with trips, activities and house events. Here is a breakdown of the key things to look out for in the calendar:
Wednesday 12th June – Year 8 Pizza Social
Wednesday 19th June – Year 12 Parents Evening
Tuesday 25th June – Year 7 Parents Evening
Thursday 27th June – Year 9 Pizza Social
Friday 28th June – Sports Day
Monday 1st – Wednesday 3rd July – Activities Week (plan for each year group will be sent out by Mrs Rochester
Thursday 4th July – Flaming Land Trip and House BBQ (evening collection times to be confirmed in due course)
Friday 5th July – Tutor Group Community Challenge (morning), Prize Giving (evening), End of Term (full details and timings will be sent out in due course)
I look forward to seeing many girls and parents this evening at the Girls Sports Dinner. It is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate all of the girls progress and achievements this year.
Good luck to all those taking part in the Durham Regatta this weekend!