From the Cathedral Choristers
Friday, 4 October 2024
On Sunday our full boy Choristers went to St Michael and All Angels Church in Wilton Gilbert to sing Evensong as part of the tour of the Diocese. They received a lovely warm welcome from the congregation, who were extremely grateful for the music sung on the feast of Michaelmas. Well done to the boys who had solos, they sounded brilliant. The acting Area Dean could do nothing but smile during the descant in 'Angel Voices Ever Singing', and it is also the first time I've heard Taylor Swift be referenced in a sermon! Tonight sees the start of Girls Weekend, where the girl Probationers and Choristers stay in Barrington House to spend time together, go on a surprise activity and sing all three Sunday services together. These weekends are always enjoyable, and they give the Probationers a taste of weekend services and the different music sung at them. On Monday we are celebrating International Chorister Day and will be having a special assembly at the Cathedral site. The theme is "what is special about Durham Cathedral Choristers?" If you've experienced them singing at a service, taught them or even been a Chorister yourself and would like to send in a short comment to answer the question, please send them to |