Pimlico House
Friday, 4 October 2024

Much positive news continues to be generated within the walls of Pimlico. Through a cake sale, a book exchange and the surplus to the year 7-9 social event, girls have already raised £131.70 for our chosen charity, Grace House. Further fund-raising events will be organised this term, but the House is otherwise planning a charity concert for the Spring term, an event to which you will be cordially invited in due course. 

The weekend began well with Francesca W's brilliant reading in chapel and continued happily with food tasting in the Common Room on Saturday night. Thanks to Clementine P.'s 'galettes' and 'crêpes', Sylvia W's chicken wings with dumplings and my sponge cakes, we all enjoyed a sprinkle of France, a teaspoon of China and a little dash of the UK mixed together on the same plate. Despite such unusual combinations, boarders seem enthusiastic about repeating the event, so I look forward to further gastronomical surprises. We have the cuisine of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Eritrea, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Madagascar and Germany to choose from. Not to mention more from China, if others show willing. 

More good news is that Clara M.A has passed her audition to the Cathedral Junior Consort, a fact that made its way to first position in 'Celebration Friday'. Junior Consort is a choir in the cathedral aimed at ex-choristers aged 14-18. Not having come through the chorister route and, essentially, having taught herself to sing, this is particularly exciting for Clara. I look forward to hearing the choir's music and to seeing her perform as part of this group. 

All these things point to a great week with some very laudable moments. However, alongside these, a few more disappointing details should also be mentioned. Sanction points have started to appear in my in-box more regularly, informing me of girls who have not completed prep, who have mislaid books and equipment, or even sometimes, girls who haven't been polite. I reminded the House on Thursday that, as we start to get tired, we have to remain all the more aware of keeping our standards high: I also pointed out that the test of good character is not how we respond when all is well, but how we respond when under pressure or, in this case, when we're tired. I hope the message went home. 

There is still a lot to get through in the next two weeks and all the House must expect to be in school on Saturday 12th October.  Whilst I mention future dates, please know that Pimlico House will close at 16.30 on 18th October. Please arrange for your daughter(s) to leave the house then. Thank you. 

Girls certainly need to rebuild their energy ahead of the remainder of this half term, for which reason I wish you all a particularly restful weekend.

Mrs L Hinde